Our Reach

pregnant women provided HIV testing and counseling services, 21,639+ HIV+ pregnant women with prevention of Parent to Child Transmission services
pregnant women provided HIV testing and counseling services, 21,639+ HIV+ pregnant women with prevention of Parent to Child Transmission services
pregnant women provided HIV testing and counseling services, 21,639+ HIV+ pregnant women with prevention of Parent to Child Transmission services
pregnant women provided HIV testing and counseling services, 21,639+ HIV+ pregnant women with prevention of Parent to Child Transmission services
individuals reached with SRHR services across India
individuals reached with SRHR services across India
individuals reached with SRHR services across India
individuals reached with SRHR services across India
Master Trainers for MO ARTC and 132 Master trainers for LT-SAICTC trained across four regions in the country and 1227 LT -SAICTC cadre trained through blended training methodology.
Master Trainers for MO ARTC and 132 Master trainers for LT-SAICTC trained across four regions in the country and 1227 LT -SAICTC cadre trained through blended training methodology.
Master Trainers for MO ARTC and 132 Master trainers for LT-SAICTC trained across four regions in the country and 1227 LT -SAICTC cadre trained through blended training methodology.
LGBTI Individuals with Social-legal, health and educational and gender change support services
LGBTI Individuals with Social-legal, health and educational and gender change support services
LGBTI Individuals with Social-legal, health and educational and gender change support services
LGBTI Individuals with Social-legal, health and educational and gender change support services
inmates of prisons and other closed settings counseled and tested, 1412 HIV positive individuals linked to treatment
inmates of prisons and other closed settings counseled and tested, 1412 HIV positive individuals linked to treatment
inmates of prisons and other closed settings counseled and tested, 1412 HIV positive individuals linked to treatment
inmates of prisons and other closed settings counseled and tested, 1412 HIV positive individuals linked to treatment
children screened for TB and identification and provision of comprehensive pediatric TB services to 1380 presumptive pediatric TB children and 130 TB positive children
children screened for TB and identification and provision of comprehensive pediatric TB services to 1380 presumptive pediatric TB children and 130 TB positive children
children screened for TB and identification and provision of comprehensive pediatric TB services to 1380 presumptive pediatric TB children and 130 TB positive children
Tea garden hospitals’ capacity built to improve the quality RMNCH+A and TB services in Assam
Tea garden hospitals’ capacity built to improve the quality RMNCH+A and TB services in Assam
PLHIV, MSM/TG Population, Sex Workers, PWID and their family members accessed Social-Legal Protection services
Our Programs
Online Resource Centre
Case Studies, Reports and Abstracts
Case studies, conference abstracts, good practices.
Information, Education, Communication
Technical and operational guidelines, health education materials, flip charts and more.
Government Acts, Verdicts and Policies
Domestic Violence Act (2005), NALSA verdict (2014), HIV/AIDS Act (2017), Mental Healthcare Act (2017), Navtej Singh Johar verdict (2018) and more.
Counselling Helplines and Referrals
Counseling helplines, referrals to legal, medical and mental health providers.