Technology for Health

Technology for Health

1. Blended clinical training (BCT)

The large work force of working in the ART and ICTC centres needs regular capacity building and skill development for providing uninterrupted quality HIV services to the beneficiaries. This training needs to be cost-effective and sustain the capacity and skills with the rapid advance in HIV treatment and guidelines. Such training needs to be interactive, based on latest national guidelines, and leverage information communication technology to enable ongoing e-learning and assessment. Thus the BCT project, funded by GFATM, aims to develop content compliant with national technical and operational guidelines, and build knowledge and skills through participatory adult learning pedagogies along with building practice-related competencies for providing stigma-free and high quality HIV services, improving quality documentation and reporting. The knowledge- and skill- building would be provided through face-to-face and innovating technology-based training.

The blended clinical training programme aims to:

 Develop content that is compliant with national technical and operational guidelines, and builds knowledge and skills through participatory adult learning pedagogies
 Build practice-related competencies for providing stigma-free and high quality HIV services in the prevention to-care continuum
 Build competencies needed for quality documentation and reporting to centralized information systems
 Institutionalize mechanisms for knowledge management, learning needs assessment, training scheduling and delivery, and tracking participant progress and refresher/mentorship needs

The intended target audience and their numbers include:

Key Accomplishments:

 Launch of LMS in March 2020
 The data of 5,774 trainees (including 4,626 Lab Services personnel and 1,148 Medical Officers and Nurses) were collected from NACO and uploaded on the LMS
 Out of 11 cadres, Online and classroom training content 100% completed for SA-ICTC LT cadre along with six more languages translated content available, around 30% content (13 out of 44) completed for two cadres of ART-MO and SMO, and 30% (5 out of 16 modules) for LT-ART Centre
 By the end of March 2020, all master trainings for MO ARTC and LT-SAICTC have been completed. In this period, a total of 137 Master Trainers for MO ARTC were trained across four regions in the country. Similarly 132 Master Trainers for LT-SAICTC were trained across 5 regions in the country
 1227 trainees for LT -SAICTC cadre in English Batches trained through YouTube channels. This helped an achievement of 90% trainees trained out of the target of 1358 trainees. Of these 1,227 trainees, 64% trainees (i.e. a total of 781 trainees), attended the classroom training, conducted for 2 days, in 28 batches. Certificate of participation has been provided to these 781 trainees during the trainings.
 A total of 191 trainees enrolled on LMS from the States of UP, MP and Pondicherry, helping achieve a 39% of the enrolment rate of the total 485 trainees to be trained from these 3 States by end of March 2020